I remember The Old Farmer requisitioning the dining room table
for several days each tax season.
Working a trade and being a farmer was no doubt complicated,
what with the government paying you not to grow wheat and figuring the acres
and yield and costs involved and the gas for the tractor...
Gas, now that was interesting...there was an old gravity fed tank
at the back of the driveway circle. You would crank it up 'til it stopped
and then reverse the direction and let it flow down, each cycle was one gallon of gas.
The Old Farmer kept a log of how much gas he pumped every time
in a Half & Half tobacco tin kept under the tank.
Of course I didn't know it then, but I suppose that had something to do with taxes.
Evenings when figuring taxes were frustrating The Old Farmer
and there were occassional exclaimations, we were warned to play quietly
and especially not to bother "anyone" with questions. LoL.
I guess some things never change!