Monday, August 28, 2017

Unexpected company

Company was a part of life at The Old Farm
Neighbors might stop by to say hi. 
Strangers sometimes stopped to ask if they could
pick the daffodils that grew wild across the road. 
And sometimes relatives arrived unannounced.

Communication was not what it is now. 
Yes the Old Farmer had a phone.
But "long distance" cost $$$. 
And people used long distance pretty much only for emergencies. 
So you might get a postcard in the mail
that says we'll be there tomorrow for the weekend.
Or you might not, the cousins might just show up! 

Company was always welcomed with warmth.
Coffee? tea? Let us take your coats and bags....
The girls will sleep in together and you can have their room. 

And once in a while one of us girls would get invited
to go back from whence they came for a visit and sightseeing. 
And that would be an excuse for another visit
when The Old Farmer and the rest of the family
came to pick us up!

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