Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Getting the Household Ready for Winter

Winter in New York. 
It can be very cold and very snowy! 
You have to be prepared for possible power outages
and have food supplies. 

So the pantry cupboard is full of the Old Farmer's Wife's canned goods. 
Peaches and green beans, corn and applesauce, tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato juice.
A summers work from the Old Farm garden.
And stash of dry goods is always on hand. Sugars and flour and salt.

The Old Farmer goes out and comes home with 5 or 6 bushels of potatoes.
(He once mentioned the Spud King being the biggest grower of potatos, 
his brother thought it was a hilarious joke. The Old Famer, very offended, 
assured him it was a real farmer's moniker, he would not joke about a thing like that :  )
These went in the outside stairwell he basement, cool but not freezing.
And as it got colder out they would be covered with a heavy blanket.
And deeper into winter what was left was moved 
into the potato bin in the basement proper.

The corn crib was full and hay in the barn

 for the farm animals. 
Coal was loaded into the basement coal bin.
Altho a lot of work a coal furnace worked 

when the power is out too! 

Storm windows were pulled out 
and washed and changed out with the screens.
The winter clothes came out and were sorted.
All the clothes were laundered,
 summer ones put away and the winter
ones put out or donated if outgrown. 

Now the family was ready for winter on the farm.

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